On behalf of the Atkins Red Devil family, I welcome you to our school and the ASD website. It is truly my honor to partner with parents, the ASD staff, and the community to serve as your Superintendent. Through meaningful experiences, our district strives to challenge students to reach maximum success in a nurturing and encouraging environment. Atkins Elementary School, Atkins Middle School, and Atkins High School are consistently working to meet the individual needs of our students as well as develop each special gift they possess. Through a strong partnership with parents, faculty, and the community, we strive to grow students both academically and socially to become responsible, respectful citizens. By working together, we have the opportunity to build upon the wonderful traditions of excellence that are in place and to continue to create a world-class educational program.
I have an open-door policy and invite you to visit with me anytime. I am here to serve students, parents, my faculty, and the community in doing my part to provide a quality education that both equips and empowers students to achieve success and receive the education they deserve. Again, it is truly my pleasure to spend each day with the students and faculty of Atkins School District! Feel free to contact me anytime either at the Atkins Central Office (479-641-7871) or on my cell phone (479-970-4686). RDP!
Dr. Lori Edgin, Superintendent
Atkins School District